_marlymckinnon's Journal
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Thursday, October 22nd, 2015

    Time Event
    Dear Volcano,

    I do not appreciate how you interrupted my afternoon rock climbing with all your rocks and broken bones and debris and shite.

    Nor do I appreciate the toxic gasses that are being released into this wonderful air we breathe. That's just awfully rude, you see. That's what the outhouses are for, obviously, sheesh. Did your mother not teach you volcano manners?

    Also, for the record, pain potions are badarse.
    Like... theeee best. I feel like I'm floating.

    And you know what, so what if I broke my arm? I'm still totally doing it... again. Don't even care. This was a fluke, after all. It's not every day a volcano erupts and shite, after all. It's fine.

    Also... how the fuck did we not know that was a volcano? I think we all failed whatever that one study is... of earth and rocks and shit. Geography. No... no. Geology? Yeah! That one. T for troll, island.

    Also shout out to Clint or whatever your name is. Thanks for your help. It was like super duper appreciated and all that. Sorry I'm a loudmouth. I owe you a beer. Or a free milkshake. Or both.

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