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Little Monster
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[03 May 2015|11:11am]
Okay so, like, you know those things that happen to you so unexpectedly that it kind of rocks you but in a good way? Totally had one of those lately and I’m still sort of rocked. Brake proposed on the 21st. It was so adorable the way he did it too. Afterwards, I facetimed Lenae. She screamed, I screamed, Brake like went deaf in one ear I think. The best part? Daddy is all for this I’m totally not losing my access to his money and I think it might be because Brake actually asked him first. Lenae’s supposed to fly in next week and help me pick a good planner to coordinate a lot of this for me since I can’t even manage to pick a dress. I am not even kidding, my room is totally a disaster area full of print out pictures of dresses and pieces of jewelry and I could probably make like a whole bridal magazine myself and I’m still not done looking. At this rate, we might be able to get married in like 6 years when I can make decisions on things because it all has to be perfect. I’m really partial to the Disney wedding dresses but I don’t want to rule out any other options, either. I asked Brake to help and after a few hours he did pick one but, like, I decided I didn’t really like it so all he did was narrow it down by one for me. I don’t even know where I want to get married at, here or back in LA. So many options.

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