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Michael Van Patrick

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[25 Apr 2012|01:54pm]
So it sounds like the Asteroid crashed into the ocean, but the military, or SHIELD, swooped in and saved a bunch of kids? That's good to hear. Hope you all get safely back to Xavier's.

The service for Ms. Altman over at Xaviers was beautiful too. Sad, but beautiful.

Now that all the exciting stuff is over, I suppose I should get back to the gym. Dad wouldn't approve of me missing regiments because of the news. He says soldiers make the news, not watch it, ugh

On a totally different note, my hair is different. It was getting a little long and shaggy, even for me. So if you see a guy walking around that sort of looks just like me, but with shorter hair, either I've got a clone I don't know about, or it's me. Say hi.

Also, "Daily Update from Clint & Mikes Room: It's a mess. That is all."
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