_northernstar's Journal
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Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

    Time Event
    So... what I've gotten so far in my few minutes here and a crash course (and my continual questioning because I can't leave something like this alone without all of the facts): Magical village that exists outside of space and time. That one is a bit mind blowing, but we'll move on.

    It is run by members of my family, some of whom I have never met due to the fact they are deceased in my time. A little bit more mind blowing, however I'll continue anyway...

    What is probably the hardest to grasp my head around is I have been here before? At least by the looks of this journal thing I have. There are enough of my little kid drawings still littering the house that I can make out my own creative processes. And it looks like my parents were here too, so that's pretty sweet. Are they still?

    So yeah. I think that about sums it up. I might need someone to find me and tell me school hasn't driven me completely insane and that I am in fact really alive, and really here. I mean I've already tried pinching myself, rationalizing, and for a moment there... full on panic. But none of them are really helping so I might as well just give it up and resign myself to the fact that at least for now, I am stuck here.

    That doesn't mean I can't make it fun though. I'm guessing that I am not alone, and if that is the case maybe someone wouldn't mind showing me the ropes? I'm Polaris Malfoy, by the way. Hopefully at least someone here knows me... besides the guys who I first met here... Anyway, there looks like tons of stuff to do and explore. I definitely can't wait for an adventure.

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