_northernstar's Journal
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Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

    Time Event
    Does anyone want to go mess around on the Quidditch pitch with me later? I'm seriously itching to get back in the air and I don't want to forget everything I learned this semester back at home. Practice is important, after all! Plus, it will just be a lot of fun.

    And actually.. I totally forgot I don't have a broom. Is there somewhere here I can get that? Because I will be honest with you, school has left me little time to explore recently. Not because it's super hard of course, but because I want to put all the effort into it I can. What's the use of school if you don't take something awesome away from it anyway? There isn't one, duh.

    So yeah. Quidditch. Broom. Maybe dinner afterwards if I like you enough.

    What say the population?

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