_northernstar's Journal
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Monday, November 25th, 2013

    Time Event
    Facts about the Polaris Star:

    -Polaris is number 48 on the list of brightest stars
    -The Polaris one sees from earth is actually a triple star system
    -Polaris A is a supergiant with has a mass of about six times that of our sun
    -It is also a "pulsing" or Cepheid star which means it contracts and expands, varying its brightness.
    -Its 434 light years from earth and its luminosity is 4,000 times brighter than our sun

    Eventually the poles of the planets will change though, and it will no longer be our northern star. I wonder what it will be considered then? If anything at all?

    Believe it or not, I've never looked up anything about Polaris before. Weird.

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