_northernstar's Journal
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Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

    Time Event
    Now that I have my journal back, I just have something to say over events from a few days ago that are still weighing on my mind and then I'll be done.

    I can't believe the lot of you... fighting with each other when we're supposed to all be family. I don't bloody care if it hasn't happened yet for a lot of you, that doesn't change the facts. We're all linked, we all have to deal with each other, live with it and stop setting the example not to follow instead of the one we all should. I don't want an explanation, I don't want justification, just cut it out and make some peace. Because how would you feel if one of us really did die tomorrow, and the last thing you said was something awful? I just want my family back.

    Happy now? Whatever. Just leave me alone.

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