_northernstar's Journal
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Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

    Time Event
    [The great and wonderful residents of Cabin 8]

    I hope no one minds their personal space being invaded. Because in these quarters? It is totally happening. But don't worry, I don't bite as far as I know. Maybe in my sleep but... I doubt it.

    So in that case, I think I should introduce myself so we can all be a bit more comfortable. I'm Polaris Malfoy. I like multitasking, staying up late, and sarcasm. I take forever in the shower, and even longer to dry my hair. Sorry about that. I'll try to cut it short this time around.

    Now, more importantly, who wants to play a board game? Or cards. Do we have either of these things? If not I can get creative. Don't doubt my abilities when I'm dying of utter boredom.

    [Family- yes, I know this means a lot of people]
    Everyone alright?
    In one piece?
    If not I suggest very loud complaining. May not do anything productive, but I'm sure it will be amusing to your new housemates.

    This blows. I wanted to hang out.

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