_northernstar's Journal
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Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

    Time Event
    I never thought I would be saying this to myself, like... ever, but I fucking miss my siblings.

    As completely annoying and ridiculous as they could both be sometimes, particularly Harriet, I still can't believe I don't have them around. Usually they're just a wand flick away, but now? It feels like I'll never get back to see them again. I won't ever know if I told Harriet that boy she's seeing is absolutely awful, or Draco that he's going to do fantastic on his NEWTs and needs to stop worrying and just chill for like, two seconds before his head explodes all over a wall.

    I won't know what they got me for my birthday, or what kind of awesome surprise we were planning for Da for his birthday.

    And they're not here to tell me anything anymore either. They're not here to inform me that I'm being too foulmouthed or I'm making a stupid decision. They're not here to criticize me for my life choices, or worry that I'm working too hard. They're not here to tell me they love me or see our parents as young adults. Like... how can they be missing this right now? It's not fair.

    Fuck. I feel pathetic.
    Where are you guys?
    I need a cigarette..

    Private to Regulus )

    From the sun that ’round me roll’d
    In its autumn tint of gold—
    From the lightning in the sky
    As it pass’d me flying by—
    From the thunder, and the storm—
    And the cloud that took the form
    (When the rest of Heaven was blue)
    Of a demon in my view—

    --Edgar Allan Poe

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