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Date: 2007-10-31 15:00
Subject: Halloween greetings and some art.
Security: Public
Tags:fanart, heroes, sylar

I hope everyone has a fun Halloween tonight. Me, I'll be holed up here by myself, praying that I get enough trick or treaters so as to get rid of all this candy I bought. I need to get it out of the house soon, seeing as how I have already raided the bag of Snickers and POTC gummi skulls several times this week.

House: Meh. So far this season isn't doing much for me.

Prison Break: Also Meh. Although I am enjoying this season more than last season, I'm starting to wonder if they should call it quits soon. I mean, how long can they carry this idea? Don't let it become like Lost, where it just keeps going and going and getting more WTF by the minute.
And would it hurt to break out the tattoos for at least ONE episode?

A lot of people don't like this season so far, but I think it will pick up more towards the later episodes, all in all it's pretty much the only show I look forward to watching these days besides Dexter.

- Hiro: Stop falling for every girl you meet. It will only end badly for someone. Remember the waitress?
- I haven't read many spoilers, but I'm pretty positive Adam Monroe will end up being Kensei.
- Watching Sylar trying to sex up black tears chick just so he can manipulate her is hot. Even if I don't like Maya, watching Sylar put the moves on her..hell, on anyone, yes please.
- West. Will someone kill him please?
- Claude. Get your ass back to the show. Pronto.

Well, in honor of the Halloween season, I took a break from working on my exchange art last night to whip a little something up. And since everyone loves a brain eating, serial killer watchmaker...

Fandom: Heroes
Character: Sylar
Rating: PG
Notes: Barely looks like Quinto IMO, but I tried. Clock brushes come from Shadow Brushes on DA.

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User: [info]_odella_
Date: 2007-11-05 17:57 (UTC)
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