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[May. 29th, 2011|07:43 pm]
I would love to have a few more darker psls going on. I don't have any specifics planned, but anything dealing with any of the following (or any combination thereof) would be awesome:

Abduction, Obsession, Infatuation, Stockholm Syndrome, Mental Disorders, Assassins, Serial Killers, Spies, Criminals, Betrayal, Revenge, Addiction, Arranged Marriage, Royalty, Rebels, Confinement, Imprisonment, Abandonment, Codependency, Siblings, Orphans, Runaways, Vampires, Werewolves, Hunters, Angels, Demons, Superheroes, Villains, Superpowers, Love/Hate Dynamics, Dangerous/Intense Situations, Dystopia, Apocaplyses, Wartime, Puritanical Societies, Cults, Forbidden Relationships, Polyamorous Relationships, Manipulation, Dreams, Illusions, Victim/Predator, Victim/Protector

I can play modern, fantasy, historical, furturistic, supernatural, horror, or science fiction. I will not play faux celeb or celeb, sorry. I'll play fandoms, but that list would be... incredibly long. If you're interested in a specific fandom, ask me. Chances are if I've read and/or seen it, I'll play it. :)

Check the icons for who I'll play. I'll play a lot more than that if none of those faces interest you. Just ask/suggest someone! I play males or females, and have no preference with playing either. Het only, please. Examples are available upon request. I'm 24 years old, if that matters to you. I can write out adult scenes or fade to black. However, if you're under 18, I'd prefer we ftb, mmkay?

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