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Colt Palmer

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[05 May 2024|03:18am]

Gina and Brandon the wedding was beautiful and I'm so glad I could be there for it! Congratulations loves!

Before I go to bed I have to get this off my chest..

Bryan. I love you but until you get your anger in check and prove it is in check. I am done.

I love Ava and them kiddos. They're still family to me. We all know how that turned out.

I love Lia and I refuse to watch you treat her less than she is worth. I love Gianna and you done fucked that friendship up, but I refuse to watch you belittle her when she's done nothing. I love Maddy and Grace. I refuse to watch you treat them shitty too. Lastly I love all the knuckleheads in the band and I can't watch you treat them shitty and expect forgiveness.

I can't do it anymore. I will love you til the end of time but I just can't watch you ruin your life.

[04 May 2024|08:31pm]

I caught to bouquet. The wedding was beautiful. The reception was beautiful. Yes, I cried like a baby. Gina looked fucking stunning! Brandon was ight. Lol no, but honestly he looked great too! It was hands down the best wedding I have been to!

Congrats again Gina and Brandon!

[04 May 2024|02:06am]

Chey wasn't about to let some jealous fucks cause Gina to call everything off. So when she found out that Gina was about to, she grabbed Brooke and they were able to talk her down.

She used her key card to get in the room and slipped her slippers off and slipped out of her clothes crawling into bed with Joel.

"Everything is good! She is over Bryan and shit shit so he needs to get it together or he's gonna lose his best friend!" She kissed him sweetly. "They deserve this wedding an anyone, says some shit I'll same some shit back!

[04 May 2024|12:58am]

Look, TBH, Gina and I are friends. And thoguh were not AS CLOSE as she and Brooke. I am damn tied of the "they're already married" and "JFC you act like you weren't married before".

If you feel that way maybe you should leave and remove yourself from their wedding day! They DESERVE the wedding of their dreams

I said what I fucking said

text to gina [04 May 2024|12:40am]

I DID NOT want to say anything but I also don't want this blowing out of hand before your wedding or AT your wedding.

Go look at mikes post
Lia ripped up her marriage license
Bryan is being bullheaded
she is being bullheaded

Shit is going to blow up I don't want it to right before your wedding or like i said at it so.. idek you are the clear head of it all always, so... idek

Private to Joel [04 May 2024|12:18am]

Baby, you might want to get Bryan in check. Lia isn't playing.. he's about to be single again.

[02 May 2024|10:43pm]

Joel is home! I am so glad he is back, it's been weird without him but he is better now that is all that matters!

Happy birthday to me though- its not til tomorrow- Lol I got my hubby home!

text to Jake [30 Apr 2024|09:20pm]

I heard what happened. My dad is dealing with Asher, Ava's dad is dealing with Cassio.

They're both getting it taken care of, he said to lay low, Bryan too. Just go about life as usual, but don't do anything to make waves. It'll be taken care of.

text to Kay [30 Apr 2024|09:15pm]

fuck fuck. goddammit fuck!

Can you come stay here tonight? remember that shit jake was doing for bryan's ex father in law?

yeah... go read Em's post and mikes comment. goddamnit!

Gio can come too idc. I just.. need you here in case Jake has to go downtown.

Hidden from the Kids [28 Apr 2024|08:12pm]

I am always so cocky when I make Jake black out.

I made Jake black out.

[28 Apr 2024|01:03pm]


Harmony and I are in town to see Bryan and Lia get married tomorrow. Davey is filming so he couldn't come. This little princess is 7 months old!! where the fuck as the time gone?!

[28 Apr 2024|01:30am]

Chey and Jake had fallen asleep once already. She woke up in the middle of the night needing to pee. It was like clock work, every morning around 130 or 2 she would get up and have to pee.

She washed her hands then flipped the light off and went to check on the kids. Everyone was out, including Grace and Cash.

She yawned as she headed back to their room and crawled into bed with hi. And laid against his chest.

[28 Apr 2024|12:11am]

I've been staring at Jake for the last 10 minutes. He's so fine. 😍😍. I can't get enough of this man. Those dimples are fucking it.

[26 Apr 2024|07:36pm]

Cash had baseball, River had stream team, Gracie had track meet. It was a busy fucking night for the Sullivan clan! We still made it to each thing the kids had, without missing anyone do their thing. It was hard but we did! The youngest were with Linda while we ran around like chickens with our heads cut off but we made it to everything! Gracie and the Varsity team won. The baseball team won, and River got an award for being such a environmentalist!

I had plans on cooking but my ass is FAR too tired. We ordered from everyone's favorite pizza joint, it was nice to have everyone sit down and actually get along at dinner.

Thank god for the weekend and the Lantern Festival!

[26 Apr 2024|01:23pm]

I just woke up. I have never slept this late.

I woke up with my hair a hot mess, I was drooling. It feels nice to be lazy though. Thanks babe. 🤣🤣

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