
they can all change

the sky is grey, the sand is grey, and the ocean is grey. i feel right at home in this stunning monochrome, alone in my way. i smoke and i drink and every time i blink i have a tiny dream. but as bad as i am i'm proud of the fact that i'm worse than i seem.

January 17th, 2017

[No Subject]

A Whole World in a Nose-Biting Teacup

I listened to our Great King's speech on a magically enhanced Muggle radio who signals comes from a station filled with employees in very much the same manner, doing very much the same jobs, as its Muggle counterpart. I laughed at the irony of His soon-to-be decree of a final segregation between Muggle and Wizard though even hardliners like Americans still live quietly integrated. I laughed as I thought about how the Knight Bus is a magically enhanced double-decker Muggle bus taking His subjects to work. I laughed thinking that the very mode of transportation that takes all of His subjects' children to Hogwarts is that of a steam-powered Muggle locomotive. I laughed because half of British Wizard Music is influenced by the Muggle Music Industry.

I laughed because this nation has always grown up parallel to that of Muggles. We use their things that have been forgotten. The very hospital He spoke of entrance's is a rundown Muggle department store. The Ministry, under another Muggle building. The guest entrance to said Wizard Government, that of a Muggle box. I laughed because I worry that He will have to decree a lot more unearthing than making refugees of His own subjects forced to untangle some very old, deep roots in ancient locations like London because a Muggle city happened to cropped up around them. To be made to shuffle their lives into prefab, quick-build modular homes. Homes that will be magically stacked upon the other to become a tantalizing petri dish for magical diseases to grow, flourish and mutate within a whole world forced to live in a nose-biting teacup.

Regressing is never a wise option for protection or progress.