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Delayed Halloween Update. [13 Nov 2008|08:28pm]

Chase. Next time? Buy a bigger Wonder Bra!
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[27 Sep 2008|04:44pm]
So, I stopped at Asher's apartment for breakfast this morning, which isn't really a big surprise considering that I hoard food at my brother's place constantly. But, he told me that he's thinking about moving to Seattle. Apparently he got offered a job up there and he thinks that it would be a better place to raise Ami. Of course, I'm trying to figure out why Seattle would be better. We both grew up here in LA. Or, well, Pasadena. And we didn't turn out that bad, I don't think. So why Seattle?

He lists off all these reasons that, to me, seemed a little lame. Less smog. Less people. Less earthquakes. Less noise. Better schools. Better chance of his daughter not turning out to be some Paris Hilton type snob. But what about me? Granted, I'm just the goofy uncle but I kind of like getting to see my brother and neice whenever I get the urge to show up. If he moves up to Seattle, who the hell am I going to mooch off of?

It's a selfish reason, I know. But I like having them here.
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[30 Aug 2000|12:53am]

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