Penelope Clearwater's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Penelope Clearwater

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[20 Apr 2010|09:42pm]
At work today I :

  • Took a large mouthful of a cup of tea only to realise  the milk was several weeks off.
  • Had to swallow the tea so as not to offend the little old lady.
  • Was used as a climbing frame by one of the cats from hell
  • Tripped over one of the aforementioned cats and banged my chin on the  sideboard, lost my footing and fell awkwardly on the floor.
  • Had to hobble home.
I now have; scratches on my thighs where the claws dug in, a bruise forming under my chin and a sprained ankle. It is what is known as a bad day.

So now I am not going into work tomorrow,  am painting my toenails for when I go to St Mungos tomorrow  and sitting on the couch with a tub of ice cream, flaky chocolates and my book of choice.

I am not getting out of my Falcons strip for anything. This is a Duvet Day.
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