Sally-Anne Perks' Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Sally-Anne Perks

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001; 3 March, 2005 [03 Mar 2009|08:15pm]
Hello, everyone! Did you miss me? I'm finally back from Africa. I know it's been five months, but surely you haven't all forgotten my name already, right? Actually, I've been back for a few days already, but I've been staying at my parents' house while I was looking for a new flat. Now that I'm all settled in, I picked up a new journal (my old one is lost somewhere amidst all the boxes), and I'm back.

I'm really happy to be back in England, though. And back in the wizarding world, too. Living as a muggle for five months is a lot harder than I expected it to be.

So, what's been going on around here? Since it would be kind of hard to explain getting a newspaper delivered by owl every day, I haven't been getting the Prophet, so I have no idea what's been going on here since the end of September. Anyone want to fill me in?
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[info]gwmod | biography [24 Feb 2009|04:55pm]
Sally-Anne Perks. )
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