Percy Jackson
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January 2016
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Player Info
Name: sAmmii
Over 18? Yes
Timezone: EST
Preferred contact:
Have you read the rules and do you understand them? Yep, bumblebee tuna

Character Info
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Name: Percy Jackson
Age/Birthday: 16/August 18, 1993 (he's almost 17)
Species: Demigod
Sexuality: Male
Personality: When we first meet Percy, he is a troubled young man who has been kicked out of a new school every year. He does poorly in his classes, feels himself to be very much an outcast, and has a rather bitter and hopeless attitude about his future. When he discovers his true identity, and discovers others like him, this attitude begins to change. For once, there are things that he's good at, even things that he excels at, and he begins to feel that he is actually worth something.

When he embarks on his quest to retrieve Zeus's lightning bolt (his real reason for the quest being to rescue his mother from Hades), we begin to see new aspects of his personality - including his bravery, his loyalty, and an unpredictable recklessness which comes from being the son of the Sea God (the sea being reckless and unpredictable). He does not run from danger, and goes out of his way to protect his friends - even if it means putting himself in harm's way. He also shows a great deal of presumption (and even a bit of arrogance) in situations such as when he sends Medusa's head to Olympus, or when he sits on Poseidon's throne to get the God's attention. Whether this presumption is true arrogance and possible bravado, or if it is simply because he often speaks and acts without thinking of the possible consequences is up for debate.

As he ages, these personality traits become more pronounced. By the end of the series, Percy has shown himself to be an excellent leader - confident, brave, self-sacrificing, but also willing to defer the glory when necessary (such as when he gives Luke the knife to kill himself instead of attempting to do the deed personally).

On a smaller level, while Percy lacks the intelligence of Annabeth, he is smart enough (most of the time) to listen to her and not too stubborn to know when she knows more about something than he does. He is an incredibly loyal friend, willing to risk his life when his friends are in danger (such as saving Grover from the Cyclops). When not threatened, he is rather laid-back, with an easy sense of humor. He does not hold long grudges, and is able even to forgive Luke by the end.

According to Athena, Percy's 'fatal flaw' (which every Hero has) is "To save a friend, you would sacrifice the world." While Percy himself does not at first see this is a flaw, it is this way that Percy is best manipulated - he is willing to do nearly anything to save a friend or loved one, even if it endangers him, or puts his quest at risk.

In summary, Percy is a brave young man who cares deeply about his friends and family. While sometimes reckless, often impatient, and hardly ever thinking things through as well as he should, his heart is noble and true and he makes up for his shortcomings by simply being a good person.
History: Here!
Third Person Sample: Already in game!
Journal: [info]_perseus_
Played by: Logan Lerman

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