Pansy Parkinson's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Pansy Parkinson

Pansy Parkinson THE ONE AND ONLY
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[12 Dec 2016|01:18pm]
Nothing like a warm meal and a hot bath to feel back to normal.

Care to have company again?

[17 Nov 2016|06:46pm]
Has no one figured out what kind of magic brought us here?

How goes the investigation into Daphne's Murder? Please tell me you have a lead.

[30 Oct 2016|04:39pm]
Memorial for Daphne Cornfoot on Tuesday November 1st at noon.

I know that you are probably busy but I would feel safer if one or two of you would attend. Just to make sure nothing goes amiss. I will pay or donate to whatever cause you want, for your time.

Posted Friday Morning After Finding Daphne [27 Oct 2016|07:20pm]
[Failed Ward to Aurors]

Where the fuck are you? My best friend...[some unreadable scribbles] MURDERED!

[Stains of tears over the pages]

[26 Oct 2016|03:49pm]
There is a reason I don't live in the city. Over crowded and it smells.

You've been quiet. Are you okay?

Keep me company?

[28 Aug 2016|08:53pm]
I apparently need to leave the house more.

[13 Aug 2016|01:51pm]
Private to Daphne

Please tell me you are all right and Stephen isn't putting on a show.

[13 Jul 2016|08:57am]
I love Witch Weekly but if they continue to spread lies like this I am sad to say I wouldn't be subscribing much longer.

Mrs. Longbottom? Ew. Not my cup of tea.

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