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Sam Uley

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[21 Feb 2009|08:12am]
[Text to Jared]
I am trying to contact Alec myself. We are waiting too long. When I tell you to go, I will have you watch the beach and see if we can draw them out.
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Private to Pack [25 Jan 2009|01:26am]
We have a few leads and now we have to get to work. I have heard there is a vampire, a Volturi guard, on our beach. I am still waiting for more information. Do not confront him or put him on alert. If you see him, follow him. Let's find out where they are and who all we are dealing with before we attack.
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Private to the Wolves only [13 Dec 2008|11:37pm]
We need to meet as soon as possible. Come to my house tomorrow night for dinner. That means you too, Jake. We have two missing and we need to find them. I know there are vampires involved. Who else would it be?

Seven O'Clock, my house, be there.
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