Dez Bourke is a firecracker!
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Back May 20th, 2011 Forward
004 - Your mom is a separationist

Okay, so you know what just happened? Some dude came along and pulled me aside and started lecturing me about everything the Earth does for the colonies and how I shouldn't be sowing seeds of discord in the Academy. I was very WTF about it, and then he told me he heard I was starting a separatist movement on Ganymede. Has anyone else heard that? Because it's total bullshit, kids. I'm just a freaking cadet! Only a Second Year at that! Jeez, people believe anything these days. Maybe I'll be a rockstar like Palmeiro someday, fighting for colonists' rights, but for now, I'm just plain ol' Dez, got it?

So, Trust Day. How fun is that going to be? I loved all the games last year! Second Years are going to be super trustworthy this year, I can feel it! GO TEAM EVERYONE!

Current Mood: confused confused
Back May 20th, 2011 Forward