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Thursday, June 17th, 2004

    Time Event
    Fic: ~Old Friends, New Lovers~ NC-17
    Title: Old Friends, New Lovers
    Pairing: Snape/McGonagall
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Snape finds the task of chaperoning the Christmas Ball less unpleasant than anticipated.
    Notes: My thanks to the Marvelous Moaning Myrtle, Beta Mistress Extraordinaire.
    *This takes place some years pre-Harry Potter, and was originally posted at SH as "The Night of the Yule Ball." Since the Yule Ball only happens during the Tri-Wizard Tournament, I changed the name of the event and the story. This is terribly cliched, but I still rather like it.

    Old Friends, New Lovers )

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