Sunday, March 5th, 2006

Comment Porn: ~Tickling the Goldfish~ NC-17

Another delightful (for me anyway) collaboration with [info]busaikko. This time, it is not crack fic. No, really. A nice, simple, fluffy little piece of porn.

It all started with dinner at the [info]busaikko abode and mini-busaikko wanting Mommy to 'tickle the goldfish.' Now, that produced all kinds of thoughts - none of which were fit for the dining table, but which were generously shared on LJ. I started it off in comments and - as fate would have it - it continued.

Tickling the Goldfish )
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Friday, February 24th, 2006

Comment Porn: ~Fluid Sexuality~ NC-17

This started out with someone (who shall remain nameless) posting an orphan phrase on her ([info]busaikko) LJ and inviting people to play. What follows is comment porn. No plan, no format, no anything, except the alternating thoughts of a couple of... odd minds.

NC17 - Warnings: Crack!fic, voyeurism, dubcon, noncon, threesome (foursome?), broomstick abuse, chicken abuse, perverse use of pudding, bondage, bullying, electrocution, underage drinking – am I missing anything? The Marauders as you've never seen them before (and never hope to see them again). BTW, I believe the boys are old enough, although maybe they're not.

Edit: It has been suggested that this little gem should be prefaced by a beverage warning, so this is it.

Many thanks to my wonderful beta for risking severe ocular damage giving this a brief once-over. (She made me take her name out.)

You have been warned. )

(She dared me to post this - it's not my fault!)
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Wednesday, February 1st, 2006

Fic: ~Alpha Wolf~ NC-17

Title: Alpha Wolf
Chapter 1, Alpha
Author: Snegurochka
Pairing: Remus Lupin/ Bill Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Remus feels the new werewolf in town is threatening his authority. He decides to teach the challenger a lesson.

This story was co-authored with Snegurochka. She wrote the first chapter and I was so... inspired... I wrote the second. We carried on alternating chapters until the last chapter with was written by both of us.

More of her excellent writing can be found at her website.

Runner Up for Best Adult Slash Fic of Round Five of the Multifaceted Awards.

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at The Burrow, November 2005

Chapter 1 )
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