Sunday, April 29th, 2007

Fic: ~The Greek Boy: An Introduction to Submission, Part One~ NC-17

Title: The Greek Boy: An Introduction to Submission, Part One
Pairings: Lupin/snape/omc
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 15,000: This will be posted in two parts.
Warnings: This is a story set within the Dom/sub culture and includes heavy kink and fetish elements such as breathplay, spanking, and fisting.
Summary: Lupin had promised Snape, "no more Greek Boys" unless he shared. He decides it is not only time to share the Boy with Snape, but to introduce the Boy to the D/s culture.

Notes: This is set in the universe of my story Power Play, where Lupin and Snape establish and develop a stable Dom/sub relationship. In that story, Lupin – after a falling out with Snape early in the relationship – consoles himself by dallying with the Greek Boy, later promising Snape he wouldn't see him again – unless he shares. While this story is a continuation of "Power Play," it also stands alone.

Many thanks to [info]snegurochka for hours of beta work, patient encouragement, and downright force, when it was needed – this wouldn't have turned out nearly as well without her, and to [info]busaikko for a final beta run-through. Also to [info]undunoops for this wonderful, inspiring illustration of the Greek Boy.

The Greek Boy, Part One )

Part Two
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Thursday, February 1st, 2007

February Fuq Fest Fic: ~Fire and Ice~ NC-17

For the February Fuq Fest at LJ's [info]pervy_werewolf

Title: Fire and Ice
Author: smoke
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Percy
Kink: ice play, temperature play, wax play, blood, whipping, bondage, Alpha!Remus, mind-fuckery
Challenge: February Fuq ~ Remus/Percy and ice play were both assigned
A/N: I chose Anniversary. My thanks to [info]busaikko for beta help.

Fire and Ice )
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Thursday, June 30th, 2005

Fic: ~Power Play~ NC-17, Part 1, Chapter 1

Title: Power Play
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: D/s, BDSM, violence, bestiality, graphic sex.
Summary: Lupin was surprised to learn of Snape’s submissive side, and stunned when the Potions Master offered that submission up as a gift to him. He grabbed it without thinking, but did the werewolf bite off more than he could chew?

Notes: Two parts - complete. A little angst, but mostly an excuse to write smut. Set in the first half of the school year after OotP, but written before HBP.

The Hanky Code exists in some fetish clubs as a way for like-minded individuals to get together in a more expedient fashion. The color of the handkerchief indicates the person’s particular proclivity, and the pocket that it’s worn in indicates whether they top or bottom. (Black is heavy BDSM.) Before anyone yells at me for not knowing my left from my right, I want to say that I have heard that the steering wheel is not the only thing our Right Pondian friends put on the opposite side.

The hanky idea was inspired by katekintail’s Colored Hankie Series. The writing of a smutty Snupin was inspired by Razzberry and Snegurochka.

Winner of Best Adult Slash, Round Four, Multifaceted Awards.

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at Eros & Sappho, September 2005

Many thanks to Odd Doll, Snegurochka, and Rayvyn for their excellent work as betas.

Power Play )
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