Friday, December 12th, 2008

Snupin Santa Exchange 2008: ~What Happened to Percy~ NC-17

Warnings: AR in that the war is over and our boys survived. Also, Percy is single, and, Tonks who?
Notes: Written for Snupin Santa Exchange 2008, Andreanna asked for scar worship, romance, voyeurism/outsider's perspective, first time sex, awkward sex, threesome, double penetration, and public sex.

Many thanks to betas Snegurochka and Persevero, for repairing many hideous and embarrassing errors of word usage, punctuation and grammar, for Brit-picking and hand-holding. Any mistakes are mine, because I can't quit tinkering.

Summary: Percy was staring, and Percy got caught.

What Happened to Percy )
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Thursday, February 1st, 2007

February Fuq Fest Fic: ~Fire and Ice~ NC-17

For the February Fuq Fest at LJ's [info]pervy_werewolf

Title: Fire and Ice
Author: smoke
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Percy
Kink: ice play, temperature play, wax play, blood, whipping, bondage, Alpha!Remus, mind-fuckery
Challenge: February Fuq ~ Remus/Percy and ice play were both assigned
A/N: I chose Anniversary. My thanks to [info]busaikko for beta help.

Fire and Ice )
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