Kurt "Starboy" Quill's Journal
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in Kurt "Starboy" Quill's InsaneJournal:

    Wednesday, June 4th, 2036
    7:40 pm

    OOC Contact Post
    Monday, June 4th, 2035
    7:35 pm
    From the future of an alternate reality, the child of Peter Quill and Kitty Pryde is every bit as smart as his mother... while being every bit the arrogant womanizer his father is. He also loves adventure, and dangerous missions... like BOTH of his parents. He's got a smart-ass answer for everything, a love of trolling others, and a tendency to be a bit of a douche... but beneath it all he's got a heart of gold and would risk life and limb to help anyone in need.
    Monday, January 31st, 2022
    6:53 pm
    FT Activity for Jan. 2022
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