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Tempest Serenity Ainsley-Tennyson

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[04 Jan 2014|08:59pm]
Guess who's back!?!?! And Christ Almighty is it cold outside or what? I was not at all prepared for this. And I am also still running on Tokyo time so this feels like mid-morning to me even though I'm supposed to be getting ready for bed in a couple of hours. Ugh. Turning my days and nights around to suit this time zone is going to be a real bitch!

Anyways, I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and a wonderful New Year's Eve. I know I sure did. People in Tokyo know how to party. Even though it was a working vacation (as in I was modeling for my family's new line which I know I said I would never do but it really does look good for my portfolio), I had a great time. I may have even agreed to marry an Asian contortionist, but I'm not entirely sure about that. Anyway, it was great, but I missed Zowieeveryone and I am in serious need of catching up on some gossip since I've not gotten to actually speak to basically anyone the whole time I was gone!

And I also need to just bite the bullet and tell Harley Quinn who Catwoman really is but I think I'm still a bit too nervous to do that just yet.
85 +

[30 Sep 2013|05:15pm]
Email to Zowie and Max )
18 +

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