_the_doctor_'s Journal
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Friday, June 6th, 2008

    Time Event
    I really need to use this thing more often...
    Okay folks, remind me again why I have this blasted thing? If anyone who knows me really well will be the first to tell you, that I have a one-track mind. Well, I think I do anyway, otherwise I would have written in this thing more sooner than I would have liked to. Then Rose wouldn't have to keep nagging me about it(I thank you for that love.)and I would not be writing my journal entry NOW instead of whenever I was supposed to. This is what I get for teaching a class that reminds me more of a three ring circus. But I think my students enjoy my insanity otherwise they would have dropped it a long time ago. I am not fired yet, so I guess I can say I still have a job. But I like it. And my students are rather smart to say the least. I am making a point to keep an eye on the Weasley twins.. George? Fred? I can't tell them apart to save my life, but whichever one is the loudmouth, I am keeping my eye on him. He seems to have a kanck for causing trouble. He and his twin would make a great Time Lord someday... I have a feeling there will be more chaos than I bargained for once classes really start kicking. But hey, it's school and they are young pinheads,so they have time left to mellow out. Just kidding. You lot are not pinheads. Just insane, but that is okay cause it's cool in my book.

    Now on to better things. What may you ask? How about the fact that I am comming out of the closetOr TARDIS in this case by saying that I am off the market. Sorry ladies. You had your chance maybe 900 years ago when I was younger, but I am old now and I think it's time to take myself off the bacholor status. Yes people, I have finally snagged myself a girlfriend and she is a beautiful one too, if I do not say so myself. I am not sure how long I been hiding my feelings for Rose, but now that they are out in the open, I feel pretty good by saying she is my girlfriend. And for being an old guy, I am doing pretty well. Two months is not that bad so far. It's an accomplishment. I do have some suprises up my sleeve, and no Rose, I am not telling you! The thing about me is that I am a secretive guy. You never know what I am going to do until I wing it. Jack and Rose know that from experience and Wade is starting to know that so she can join the ranks of the insane friendship that abounds around here. Who can not like it? I mean, I am the Doctor. Scarier things have happened and who knows what else will happen. But all I can say is that I really do care for Rose and I will hurt the next person who hurts her first. I may not resort to violence, but if anyone who lays a hand on her, will suffer my wrath. But other than that, we are square.

    Now then, those of you who are in my early morning World History class,your essays on the rise and fall of England in the 1800's is due Monday. If I can get it before then, you will get extra credit. If you have an excuse that "My dog ate it" I will laugh at you. Seriously, that is not an excuse. It has been overdone, and that won't be kosher with me. I will however, give an extension if you have an excuse like you are sick or something to that nature, that is fine with me. Otherwise, it should be on my desk before or after class on Monday. Other than that, have a great weekend. Now it's off to find Rose and possibly Jack and whoever he is bringing along for this "double date" of ours. Suprises await!


    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: "Jet Airliner" Steve Miller Band

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