Diana Prince

Princess Diana of Themyscira

April 22nd, 2016

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It's snow with a short list of characters. Does anyone have less characters than I do?

[info]dirty_girl Faith Lehane and the plan is to end up with Rick Grimes.

[info]techno_pagan Jenny Calendar she's with Giles.

[info]_wonder_woman_ Diana Prince, she's single.

[info]dragonsong Daenerys Targaryen and she's single.

Just leave a message in the dropbox or IM me lastfairypriincess.

I'm all up for plots and stuff and ships for my single ladies.

March 28th, 2016

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Wonder Woman|Cannon

[info]belore Application

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March 21st, 2016

[info]storybrooketown Application

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application )
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