June 22nd, 2008

[ Closed ]

It was late and the parking lot was deserted. He'd been out and about most of the weekend, reconnecting with some friends he hadn't seen in a while. Some he'd grown up with, some he'd met before Tampa and its magic had decided to become the focus of his life.

Now he just needed to chill before the craziness that was going to be his week started. He rode in a large, lazy circle around the parking area, looking up at the stars that hadn't been blocked by the city lights. Slowly he began to gather speed and power and raced his bike towards a construction barrier at the end of the lot. Up and over and on, the wind in his face, the momentary feeling that he was flying. The thunk and jolt as his tires hit pavement. The silence as he raced across the space and sent his bike and his body through a series of twists and turns, defying gravity. Forgetting responsibilities. Forgetting worries. Just for a while. Letting his mind shut down and his muscles take over like he had when he was a kid. Just him, the bike and this small part of the world that he'd made his playground.

July 2009

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