Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009


Halfway through the summer and finally I've gotten used to having Nymphadora home all day. She takes after her father in that she she leaves a mess in her wake. Her bedroom is a disaster, and the playroom looks like a hurricane has stormed through. Honestly, you would think the both of them would have picked up some of my good habits.

At least the summertime has been useful. Since Nymphadora's been attending Muggle primary school during the year, her magical studies have been sorely lacking. I tried to keep up with them when she got home every day but between her and Ted, I can't get anything done.

So now, every day while Ted is at work and before Nymphadora is allowed to go outside and play with the Muggle children in the neighborhood, she must sit for her lessons. Most recently we've been working on simple cleaning charms. Ah, more of my effort to keep a cleaner household, of course. She's caught on quickly, and we'll move to potions soon. I'm certain we don't have to work on Transfiguration yet, if her constant hair color changing tendencies says anything.

Maybe I'll treat her to Diagon Alley soon. I could use some ice cream from Florean Fortescue's shop.
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