Aug. 26th, 2012 @ 01:05 am (no subject)
Upon waking anyone venturing out into the city will find newspapers on the front stoop of each apartment, or on each street corner.

26th of August 2012 • The Island of Spinning Compass' only news • Free
A Story
By Amelia, The Reader
I'm sorry for the things that happened to you. I wrote a story for you. It might help and I hope that it makes things better:

A man sat in an airplane. He was confused. This wasn’t where he had been seconds ago. He put the books he had gathered onto the seat next to him. They came from his tower. A very huge and magical tower. It held a lot of power. But only one person could control it and that would be the man himselvf. He looked around and recognized the plane. It was from a book and it would soon crash. He knew that. On an island where strange things happened.

Apart from the man the plane was empty and he could already feel it shaking underneath him. It would soon crash. The man did not know what to do. So, he looked at the one place for help which he knew he could count on: the books.

Slowly, he opened one book after the other, beginning with the one the place came from. He mumbled to himself. He wrapped life around every word, read it so vivid, so real that the eventually the characters from the books sprang to life. He hadn’t intended it. But it had happened. He looked up. The plane suddenly crowded with confused characters. There was:
Charlie Pace
Juliet Burke
James Ford
(Add more if needed here)

Suddenly, the plane shook. The man new that it would crash very soon. What should he do?

Island Weather
Monday Sunny
Tuesday Partly Cloudy
Wednesday Scattered Thunderstorms
Thursday Partly Cloudy, windy, with possible waterspouts
Friday Sunny and breezy
Saturday Intermittent clouds shaped like animals
Sunday Mostly cloudy, shaped like castles

Maryanne Walker and Daryl Dixon

layout by [info]lobelia
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