Feb. 2nd, 2013 @ 03:21 pm (no subject)
The Ultimate Get To Know You Survey

Current Location?:
Eye Color?:
Hair Color?:
Glasses or contacts?:
Piercings or tattoos?:
Single or taken:?:
Siblings names (if any)?:
Right Handed or Left Handed?:
Any pets?:
Your greatest strength?:
Your Weakness?:
Your parents names?:
Favorite color?:
Favorite flower?:
Favorite college basketball team?:
5 favorite movies and one you wouldn't want anyone to find out about?:
Favorite holiday?:
Favorite physical feature on yourself?:
Your favorite pizza toppings?:
Favorite alcoholic drink of choice?:
Favorite guilty pleasure?:
Your favorite lunch meat?:
Favorite non-sexual thing to do with a girl/guy?:
Favorite place to eat a romantic dinner?:
Favorite season?:
Favorite cartoon character?:
Your favorite food?:
Favorite Ice cream flavor?:
Favorite subject(s) in school?:
Favorite candy?:
Favorite breakfast cereal?:
Favorite person in your life?:
Favorite book of all time?:
Favorite song?:
You favorite park?:
Favorite place to be?:
Your favorite sport to watch on TV?:
Favorite TV show (Still running or ended)?:
Your Favorite number?:
Your favorite letter(s) of the alphabet?:
Favorite fast food restaurant?:
Who is your favorite Disney Princess?:
What would you consider your favorite T.V. station?:
Favorite names for a son?:
What about favorite names for a daughter?:
What is your favorite part of your life right now?:
Chocolate or Vanilla?:
Alcoholic or non?:
Long relationships or one night stand?:
Scary movies or comedies?:
Short or long hair?:
Croutons or bacon bits?:
Beach or lake?:
Cowboys or Indians?:
Cops or Robbers?:
Single or Group Dates?:
McDonalds or Burger King?:
Pepsi or Coke::
Starbucks or elsewhere?:
Dogs or cats?:
Jay Leno or David Letterman?:
Do you smoke?:
Do you sing?:
Do you want to get married?:
Do you believe in yourself?:
Do you get along with your parents?:
Do you go to church?:
Do you want children?:
Do you drink?:
Do you like to travel by plane?:
Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday morning?:
Do you have a teddy bear?:
Do you like thunderstorms?:
Do you play an instrument?:
Do you think Jesus is great?:
Do you have any friends of the gay preference?:
Do you consider yourself a party person or more apt to stay at home?:
Have you ever fired a gun?:
Have you ever loved someone?:
Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?:
Have youe ever been with someone of the same sex?:
Have you ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?:
Have you ever cried for no reason?:
Have you ever cut your own hair?:
Have you ever skipped school?:
Have you ever bungee jumped?:
Have you ever punched someone?:
Have you ever been arrested?:
Have you ever broken into someone's house?:
Have you ever participated in a crime without getting caught?:
List your top fears::
What bill do you hate paying the most?:
What did you want to be when you were growing up?:
How many colleges did you attend?:
What errand/chore do you despise?:
A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing?:
How many joints pop when you get out of bed in the morning?:
What is the biggest amount of money you have made from a yard sale?:
What do you get every time you go into a Wal-Mart?:
What are your views on marriage?:
What Hollywood star do you think resembles you best?:
Who from high school would you like to run into?:
Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back?:
If you could get away with it, who would you kill?:
What famous person dead or alive would you like to have dinner with?:
How do you want to die?:
What do you want to achieve in life?:
How many jobs have you had?:
At this point in life, would you rather start a new career or relationship?:
Number of drugs you have taken?:
Your most missed memory?:
What are your first thoughts upon waking up?:
What goal would you like to achieve this year?:
Who would you like to see right now?:
Are you still friends with your ex's?:
What books are you reading (if any)?:
What are your regrets?:
What song best describes your love life?:
Who do you stalk on MySpace?:
Do you cheer for the bad guy?:
What do you want when you are sick?:
What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now?:
Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth?:
What country would you most like to visit?:
How many pillows do you sleep with?:
What is the best way you document your life?:
Love and Romance...:
The internet...:

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