Barbara Gordon's Journal
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Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded in Barbara Gordon's InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, January 27th, 2009
    11:41 pm
    Saturday, December 13th, 2008
    10:30 pm
    First impressions can be lasting. I just wish I'd remembered that when I first arrived... The only reason I'm writing this now is because the head librarian just came back - someone I haven't ever had the best repor with. It's not that I did anything, but I swear he has it in for me!

    As a result I have the late afternoon/evening shifts this weekend - throwing off my work scheduel. Oh well, these things happen... So I'll be at the library if anyone needs me.

    Oh, and Sam, there are some leftovers in the fridge from when I went out last night, feel free to help yourself.
    Saturday, May 24th, 2008
    4:29 pm
    I've been here for weeks and I haven't yet written one of these things. I feel so stupid for that, but now that the term is over, one can only take the time to sit back and relax a bit... now that my transcript from Gotham University is finally coming through.

    I'm Barbara Gordon, I'm from Gotham City and I spent the last couple of weeks traveling, following one unnamed lost boy around. Star City; Coast City; Blue Valley, Nebraska; Metropolis, Smallville. And finally found him here.

    For the record, unnamed lost boy, your "he-who-must-not-be-named" aka BRUCE! did not send me, you jackass. And I don't know if I should hit you with a 2-by-4 for thinking that at first thing. That's all I hafve to say to you.

    Anyway, I'm not mad at anyone else, they roomed me in Tudor 202 with Meg, Gabrielle and Christine. I'm a Comp-sci major, and I have to get out of the suite tonight now that the power's back on... hmm maybe the club is open tonight!

    Talk to you all soon!
    Tuesday, May 6th, 2008
    3:40 pm
    Voice Mail )
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