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Naughty Schoolteachers are Better

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[Dec. 24th, 2025|12:28 pm]

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[Apr. 3rd, 2010|01:17 am]
[Current Location |Michigan]
[music |Thriller- Michael Jackson]

Greetings from Pontiac Michigan.

Nope, I'm not here filming. Rather, I'm here to support a person who means a lot to me. In fact, I had to work a 22 hour day the other day to catch up with them yesterday. So far, it's been worth it...I think.

Not a whole lot has changed since my last entry (although truth be told, I can't remember what I wrote about in it right now..oops). Been working a lot, trying to stay out of the tabloids, so far its been working. Pictures of me in my carwash attire had hit the internet earlier in the week, I had posted some but more have come out. When I see pictures of myself like that, It makes me glad that I love being outside and that I don't mind working out and surfing. This industry is a very difficult one to live in. Its not so much that the work is difficult, although it can be; its more the having to deal with the public's insane vanity standards. If you've packed on 20 lbs and now a solid 130, you're a big cow. You have to have clear skin, big tits, nice legs and a nice ass to go along with it. If you don't have any or all of that, you're automatically suspected of fucking a producer to get ahead in the business.

I feel bad for the young women of today, trying to get into Hollywood and those already there. I got lucky in the sense that I started out in the 90's, the pressure wasn't AS bad back then. Now you have more and more healthy looking, gorgeous girls, puking and snorting coke just to maintain a 'healthy' 90 lbs so they can score that walk on role on that new tv show that that producer they just fucked in their trailer swears is going to be the next big then. I've never had to fuck or suck anyone in order to get the roles I've landed. I'm not the best actress in the world, I know that, but I like that every job I've landed, I've gotten based on what talent I do have, not how flexible and how good of a fuck I am.

Speaking of fuck, I've done a lot of thinking over the last few weeks, especially recently. I'm slowly getting older and closer to 40. I'm beginning to look at things differently than I did 10 years, 5 years, 2 years; hell, even 2 months ago. I've been in my fair share of relationships. Some of the great, some of them not so much. Then there were the few that were just plain terrible. There was no love there. It was a relationship bought on by convience. Or based solely off of sex. Those relationships always stayed with me because of the way they made me feel afterwards. I felt very dirty, slutty. A few days ago, I was doing some thinking about some things from my past and some things a friend of mine said to me last week (thank you again btw). I deserve better than I've allowed myself to have over the years. I am not slutty..although for the one person I love, I 'could' be slutty, know what I mean? There's nothing wrong with a little kink to keep the sizzle in a relationship. But I never, ever want to feel like someone is only with me or talking to me because they think they'll be able to sleep with me a cast me aside like yesterday's trash. I have a lot to offer someone, someday. One day I'm going to find the guy who knocks me off my feet, one who I feel will be truly worthy of all the love that I can offer him. No longer will I sell myself short.

..its funny, this was not the direction I was trying to take with this post. I wanted to mention my sister Chimene and how I got to visit with her and my nieces and nephew the other day; they're so big now, It makes me sad that I'm missing out on so much of their growing up. But I'm glad I get to see them when I do.

I also wanted to mention that I went to go look at a house a few weeks back. Absolutely gorgeous. Lots of trees, lots of space. Pretty secluded, just a welcoming vibe. I haven't decided on whether or not I want to place a bid in for the place yet. I need to weigh my options. I don't really need a new home but this place is calling my name!

I might put in a low bid just in case. I don't wanna miss out. Worse that happens is I change my mind and pull my bid.

I have 8 million random thoughts running through my head but I don't know where to start so I guess the best thing to do would be to...STOP. I don't know where I'm heading next but I'm hoping the trip is memorable. I'm off to find a drink...or go to sleep.

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[Mar. 2nd, 2010|06:06 pm]
I asked some close friends for help on what to write about for my next update. 3 of them said to write about

*My Favorite Movie and why
*My Influences

I'm going to try to do my best to work those 3 in and make this post make sense.


What can one say about mud? I don't know about you guys, but I love the outdoors, absolutely LOVE it. Whether it be surfing or hiking, driving in my smartcar along the coast, I just love it. I don't know how many of you knew this but a few years back, I filmed a show for MTV called "Trippin". It followed me and a few of my friends around the world, bringing awareness to helping take better care of the planet. In doing the show, I got to see alot of places and do alot of things, like planting trees, riding and bathing with elephants, sand surfing and hot air ballooning. Where mud come in? There were a few nights we filmed where it rained and we just ran out to play in it just for the fun of it. I love getting dirty and being in the mud, being that connected to the earth in such a pure form, always made me so happy...I didn't even mind finding dry mud in my ears the day after :). I think everyone should go out and walk in the rain, dance in the rain. And while you're at it, play in the mud, its good for you, and your inner earth god/goddess.

Favorite Movie

I honestly can't say that I have just one favorite movie, but I can tell you a few and why i like them. I LOVED Batman..the Michael Keaton/Jack Nicholson version. I loved how in tune they both seemed into their character. To watch Bruce really struggle with wanting to do whats right for his city but also wanting to avenage his parents' death all while trying to begin and maintain a 'normal' relationship. And to watch the magic that is watch him come onto the big screen with that signature smirk and say "wait til they get a load of me" You knew something big was about to happen. One of my favorite lines from that movie is "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" I watch it everytime its on TV. I need to break down, goto Walmart and just buy it for $5.00, hahaha.

My Girl is another of my favorites that I watch everytime its on tv. Watching Vada grow up in that film, it made me feel like i REALLY knew her. Watching her relationship with Thomas J was innocent and adorable, like a child's life should be. To watch her crush on her teacher, deal with her father moving on and dating again, and watching her lose her best friend...I felt like I could relate in some way. To this day, everytime they show Vada running over to Thomas J's casket and saying "his glasses, he can't see without his glasses!!" gets me to I really wanna watch this.

I was going to mention Steel Magnolias but that movie is so incredibly sad and I don't wanna take this down an even sadder road. But I will mention one more movie: Terminator 2. That movie and Terminator: Salvation are the only 2 I really liked. T2 just had all the excitement, humor, action, insanity I could take. Something about watching dudes kickass to GNR and another dude melt like butter and come back together and rain hell on his victims totally does it for me. I love a good action movie and this one still kicks ass in my book.

*Honorable mention: The Dark Knight. Heath's performance was absolutely amazing. When I was watching, I had forgotten about Heath and was totally immersed (i think thats the word i'm looking for) in the Joker...not to mention I was totally attracted to this version of the Joker. Insane, charming, funny...a little weird (but who isnt?). Then that whole oral fixation thing he had going on throughout the film....I'm rambling. But the man was a genius, a mad fucking genius! That first 10 minutes of the movie, the bank job? fucking brilliant!!! I can't really think of any thing wrong with TDK..except for the fact that I wasn't in it, ha. I wouldve loved to have been in that.

And lastly,

I don't know how long this section will be because I'm pretty sure I might tear up a little bit during this. My biggest influences has always been and will always be my family. My mom and dad influenced me to be the best at whatever I set my mind out on to do. Whether it was passing that math midterm, modeling or auditioning for The Mask, which I almost didn't do. They were both proud of me and whatever I attempted to do. They were truly my biggest fans (Mom and Chimene still are and I love them terribly for it lol). What I loved most about them, was they way they loved each other. Watching them be so in love for so long influenced me in ways words cannot properly describe, at least not right now. To see a love that strong, to know it truly exists...its like living in darkness for years and one day having someone take you outside into the sun, letting you bathe in its light, its heat, its beauty..a breath of fresh air.

I owe all that I am to them and they way the raised me, loved me unconditionally. I hope that if and when I do have children of my own, I can influence them the way my parents did me., and I didn't even cry.

How's that for a post huh? Thanks for the suggestions. I may call on you guys alot more often. I end this now because I know in 6 hours I'll have to be up and ready for work :).



for those interested, a snippet of trippin )S
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[Feb. 14th, 2010|01:22 am]
I'm extremely bad at introductions, ask anyone (Drew specifically). I never know what to say or what to leave out; whats common knowledge and what isn't. Lets start out with Hi, I'm Cameron. Born and raised in beautiful California. I've been on the film scene for over a decade. I'm the actress that you either love or hate, with me there's no in between, so I've been told. I'm too funny to do anything dramatic....but then people were talking about me getting an Oscar for In Her Shoes (although it didn't happen).

The day I auditioned for The Mask, I went into it knowing I wasn't going to get the role, color me surprised when I did. That role is my most memorable (next to Mary of course). If you ask anyone, they usually say "she was so hot in the Mask" and follow it up with a "..what the fuck happened?" hahaha. I don't take stuff like that too seriously. I'm comfortable in my own skin and the most important people in my life love me for me, thats all that matters.

I thank the heavens everytime i get a text, voicemessage or email from Drew or Lucy. Doing the Charlie's Angels series with them was the best thing to happen to me. I love those girls more than anything and they couldnt have come into my life at a better time. Its been a while since I've seen Lucy; but Drew and I exchange texts almost all the time. She's been my rock. She was such an amazing friend to me, especially last year when my father passed away. It was so unexpected, it had rocked our family to the core. So Drew, my Drewbie, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'll always be there for you as you were and still are for me ♥.

Then there's the matter of me and my exes..hahaha. I've dated a well known man here and there. I pride myself on not jumping from one relationship to the next quickly. Every boyfriend I've had I've been with for years. From Jared, to Justin to Paul. I loved them all very much, in different ways. I still consider great friends and still occassionally spend time with them; just because the relationship ends, doesn't mean the friendship has to, right? As of right now, I'm single. Adam Levine and I went out a few times earlier in the year, but it never got serious. He's a great guy, and extremely talented. For now, my eyes are open, I'm looking before I leap.

I guess i can start summing it up with what I'm doing lately. In June I got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, yay! HUGE deal. I'm working on The Green Hornet with Seth Rogen AND... and just finished some reshoots for 'Knight and Day' with Tom Cruise, which has been great. I got to meet Katie and Suri, who is adorable and SO smart.

I'm always up for making new friends, so don't hesitate to say hello. I like hanging out. I'm outdoorsy and I love basketball, and have recently picked up on baseball (Sorry Drew, I know you fell in love with the Red Sox while making Fever Pitch, but I like the Yankees. GO YANKEES!), Congratulations to the Yankees by the way. I'm also beginning to watch a little more boxing and wrestling too. see, my tastes in hobbies is somewhat varied. If you like surfing, you and I would get along swimmingly...get it, swimmingly...i made a funn..nevermind hahaha.

Um. I guess thats it, not so bad right?

show me the lovin!

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