Destiny Rumancek's Journal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in Destiny Rumancek's InsaneJournal:

    Sunday, July 20th, 2014
    4:58 pm
    Your Sacred Whore

    PB: Kaniehtiio Horn

    JOURNAL NAME: chovexani_

    CANON, AU OR OC: (if canon, list canon point) canon; Hemlock Grove, late season 2

    NAME: Destiny Rumancek

    NICKNAMES/ALIASES: None. At least not right now. Maybe 'cousin,' to Peter.

    AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 27; born 1987.

    RELATIVES: Peter Rumancek, cousin. Lynda Rumancek, aunt. Nicolae Rumancek, grand father, deceased. Magdalena Rumancek, great or great-great grandmother, deceased.

    Divination- Destiny is a professional tarot card reader and fortune teller, and she's very good at it.

    Empathy- When channelling or doing a spell, Destiny can feel what others feel or experience what they experienced.

    Channelling (medium)- With the aid of spells and potions, Destiny can reach out to the dead and basically invite them to take her over.

    Prophecy (limited)- This is linked to the empathy trait. Sometimes, when around another person/being, she can sense things about them that they aren't saying, or see images relating to them. They are always fragments.

    Tarot card reading/divination- As mentioned above. This is both a skill and a power; card reading and divining takes practice, even with an innate gift.

    Skilled con artist- It is what it is. She's not a crook, but she DOES take advantage of the ignorance of those who come to see her.

    Folk magic/knowledge- Destiny has a vast base of knowledge that stretches back centuries through the Roma people. She also has had some strange real-life experiences in Hemlock Grove, not to mention a werewolf cousin and grandfather. She knows a lot about the supernatural. She is also able to mix a variety of potions to enhance her abilities.

    Destiny actually doesn't have too many of these. The most obvious is that she's just a human, where there are things in her world that are stronger than her. Channelling or doing spells takes an immense physical toll at times, depending on the length and intensity of the spell. She has, in the past, almost died.

    Destiny is a tall girl with a nice figure, and she is pretty, though some may not call her traditionally beautiful. She has long, dark brown hair that has a wave to it, a slightly olive complexion, and blue eyes. Her mouth seems just slightly too big for her face, and there is something about her cheekbones that suggests her tribal ancestry. She sometimes wears thick black eyeliner, especially when working, so she can look more 'gypsy' to her patrons. Her clothes are ecclectic, and she looks like she'd fit in in a Free People catalogue (side note: she's probably stolen clothing from them at some point).

    Destiny is not a typical Roma girl. While many are raised to be good housewives and have babies, and not touch a boy before marriage (even today), Destiny has no problem being 27 and unmarried. She is independent and making her own way, though her family is still of the utmost importance to her. She is the kind of girl to do a legitimate tarot reading for a customer but still shake an extra $5 out of them. She's also the kind of girl to con people too stupid to know they're being conned. She has quite a mouth on her and makes her opinion known, but will still defend her cousin in the face of anyone giving him trouble. Destiny is very, very smart, and is used to being underestimated for being both female and a gypsy.

    Destiny wants nothing more than for her entire family to be out of the trouble they're in. Lynda home, Peter safe from the weird dreams he's been having, etc.

    Watching "My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding."

    Psychic (publicly). Medium/witch.

    Destiny didn't finish high school, but it was close. She bounced around a lot as a kid and spent no more than about six months in any public school, making advancing tough. Still, she was a good student (when she wasn't in the principal's office). Her knowledge base is mostly the kind passed down through generations, not books.

    Destiny can sense when people aren't totally human. This is known. But she can also sense a little bit of what they are, too. Example: when Destiny met Roman Godfrey an upir (vampire), she felt bad for him that he didn't know what he was. But she also senses something in Miranda Cates, and that's a totally different kind of feeling for her. It's also presented to us as viewers totally differently. How much she gets varies, and it's not a honed skill.

    Destiny was born to two Roma gypsy parents in Western Pennsylvania. Her formative years were spent in typical gypsy-American fashion--her family moved a lot, lived in a camper, and her dad took manual labor jobs where he could, a lot of them having to do with laying down asphalt. He spent a lot of time on the road.

    Rather than listen to her elders tell her that she should grow up, settle down, get married young and have a lot of kids, Destiny rebelled. It started small. She dyed some of her hair pink. Then she up and left one day to make her own way, settling in Hemlock Grove near some family, and opening a divination business that struggled for a bit, then really thrived.

    At 27, she's successfully living in her own place and her business is doing well.

    When her aunt Lynda and cousin Peter move to Hemlock Grove to take land that belonged to a dead relative, Destiny is glad they've come, but still living her own life. But when local girls start turning up dead, and people in town start blaming her cousin, calling him a werewolf, Destiny's independence becomes a little less. She uses her powers to try to help find the real killer.

    She goes so far as to ask Peter and his friend, Roman Godfrey, to dig up one of the victims and bring her her insides. After allowing a bug to feed on them all night, Destiny swallows the bug... thereby opening a line of communication through herself with the dead girl. Peter asks her about the night she died, and Destiny's eyes go black.

    From this, Peter and Roman are able to get information that's helpful in finding the actual killer. Destiny continues to help where she can until the real killer is caught, protecting Peter as much as she can all the time, and even warning Lynda when she has a premonition of townspeople coming to the trailer to rough Peter up.

    With the murders solved, things look good for the Rumancek clan. Peter is happy with his girlfriend, who then goes into labor (the child is not Peter's). When Peter gets the call Letha is going to deliver, Destiny is right there cheering for the new baby. When Letha and the baby die, Destiny is there to console Peter.

    Lynda and Peter leave Hemlock Grove, but Destiny stays.

    It's almost a year before she sees them again, out of state, at a wake for one of their relatives. At the wake, she meets a childhood friend, Andre, who she immediately hooks up with. When the wake is raided and Lynda arrested, Destiny is right there with Peter trying to secure her aunt a lawyer. Though neither of them can afford the fee quoted as a retainer, Destiny is confident they will find the money and tells Peter to ask Roman for the money, as the Godfrey's mostly own the entire town of Hemlock Grove. When Roman refuses and Peter does something very stupid to secure the funds, she admonishes him, but not before asking why he couldn't have gotten an extra five grand.

    With Lynda's defense secured, Destiny focuses on her romance with Andre, who has pretty much moved in. Peter has, too. When Peter takes up with a new girl, Miranda Cates, Destiny suspects her of trying to shake him down in some way, and confronts her, telling her never to see her cousin again.

    When Peter starts having strange dreams, Destiny takes another potion she concocted to try to help him out again. When it almost kills her, she tells him to stop even thinking about the dreams and not to get involved. When Peter doesn't listen, and when Destiny learns that Roman is having the dreams, too, she allows herself to almost drown--intentionally, as part of another spell--to try to use her abilities to get more information.

    MISC: Anything you'd like to add that we didn't think to ask for can go here

    CANON PUNCTURING: Are you okay with people telling your character they're fictional?

    Knock yourself out. Watch your wallet.
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