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Ethan Moser

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Private Entry 9-3-13 [03 Sep 2013|12:17pm]
My mother has been missing a month today - I've come to accept that she is gone, and she isn't coming back. She's dead, and I know someone killed her. I know this because only death would keep my mother from me. She loved me, and would have never just up and left me without so much as a goodbye. It's irrelevant because my mother would never have to say goodbye to me, because she simply just would never leave and not take me with her. I've done everything in my power to find her, but she's vanished. It's not impossible I make people vanish all the time. There is that part of me that is her, that will never stop searching - the part of me that hangs on to the possibility that she's out there and just incapable of getting to me. Being held captive.

Without my mother I feel I have no real purpose here, I wont kill myself that is degrading and pathetic, and I cant kill enough to fulfill this void inside of me. My mother was the better part of me, and without her I'm just a hollow black vortex. Hell awaits me, and if my mother is at the door with an open hand I would gladly take it and join her. I've always worn this mask to hide the monster that I was born to become, but with my mother there was never a need to wear a mask, I didn't have to hide- she loved and accepted me. Took me as I was, she taught me how to live a normal life, but feed the beast. To live in darkness out in the open beneath the sunlight.

I've always prided myself on being an outsider, because at the end of the day I'd go home and there she'd be, waiting for my return. There's no one there now except the ghost of her presence I can close my eyes and I see her. She will always be with me, and I will always be her sweet boy.
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Missing person.. [15 Aug 2013|11:15am]
My name is Ethan Moser, and I am looking for my Mother - Cairo Lupei. She's been missing since Saturday night August 3rd, and was last seen leaving her night club - The Green Faerie. I am offering a one million dollar reward to anyone who has any information at all they can give me on her whereabouts, or who she was last seen with. Anything at all would be most helpful, and greatly appreciated. I will give a short description of her to make this easier - she has a beauty to her that is most captivating - she's 5'3, thin, pearl white skin, green eyes, and she has jet black hair. She also has a very distinct way of her attire, and dresses mostly in leather and corsets. If you've seen her, you would know as she is one not to be forgotten. So if you have any information you can comment to this post or call me on my cell phone - 714-812-8774. Thank you for your time.

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[31 May 2013|05:56pm]
Application for Ethan Moser )
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