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[10 Jul 2008|02:52am]
Alright, fellow journallers. Advice time. Let's say the chappie in the third-rate apothecary next door has had a "help wanted" sign in the window for something close to a month now. And let's say that two days ago, said chappie affixes another sign beneath it, which reads: "no Muggleborns need apply."

So, dear readers, what's a girl to do? I have practised perfecting my "look that can actually kill" whenever I walk past but other than that (which is, sadly, thus far ineffective) I am at a total loss. At least, for ideas that aren't deliciously violent and therefore won't make me end up looking for some legal counsel of my own. Which would be alright if I could afford it, but I can't.

Suggestions? And, like my Mum used to say, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Nice to me and Muggleborns, I mean. Feel free to say horrid things about our friend the apothecary.

[ Private ]
I don't join things. But I've got to do something. And it's really hard resisting the urge to make that something be 'hex the bollocks off a fat old bigot of an apothecary.' Satisfying as it would be in the heat of the moment, in the long run I don't think it would... help.
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