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birthdays, babies, and ghost hunters [05 Aug 2009|07:28pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | GHI ]

Ever wake up with the horrible feeling like you're forgetting to do something and so you call everyone you could think of calling, you flip on every appliance you own just to turn them off again, you check your blackberry and other cellular devices and those of your assistants to make sure and still come up with nothing? I really hate that, especially now that its been happening for the last four days. I'm beginning to think I'm developing a minor OCD case or something because this is fucking ridiculous. And watch it ends up being something really minute, like setting my DVR or some dumb shit like that. But since I'm thinking about it, let me make sure that all of my shows are going to be recorded while I'm in and out of the house for the next few weeks. Always with the friggin business. My brother is a facist slave driver of an assistant. You'd think this was his career he was running. Bastard. But I guess I love him, I mean five albums later and he hasn't done me wrong yet, so it must count for something. Anyway anyway enough with all of that business stuff.

MY BIRTHDAY IS FRIDAY. WOOT WOOT!! And it's the first time in a long time that I don't have anything fucking scheduled, so you know what that means? Balls to the wall partying and drunken debauchery. I can't wait. Especially if Harley is running the show. But we'll get to that part later. Seeing as I'll be out partying that night I decided during the day I'd make it kind of a family theme and hit up the Happiest Place on Earth aka Disneyland with the family. Me, Jagger, Cash, my mom, Joey (YES YOU BETTER BRING YOUR MODEL ASS OR I WILL BEAT YOU) and my favorite little guy Ryleigh...so that should be friggin fun. But back to the drunken debauchery! I plan on being incredibly wasted and I'm pretty sure I should insert that I am of age and I do not condone underaged drinking and my behavior does not mean it is okay for my young fans to do so. But yeah anyway, I want to be stumbling down the street at dawn Harley...making no sense whatsoever, okay? If that does not happen consider it a major fucking fail and I'm making you abdicate your throne as the ultimate party girl. So you better be on your damn A-game, hooker!

But like I said after weekend is over, its back to work as usual. Appearances here, interviews there. Studio time is booked, but I'm not exactly sure why. I'm pretty sure Cash told me and I wasn't listening. I suck at the business ends of things. And then I'll be back on Thursday to put the finishing touches on Rob's baby shower. You know what, that is just strange to say in the same sentence. Rob and babyshower. But yes, its true...he has a daughter Rebel, quite the cutie pie I must admit. We had to do an impromptu shopping session on Monday, just so that he could get the basic things...clothes, diapers, bottles...pacifiers...pretty much everything, but by the time he dropped me back off at my place, Rebel pretty much had everything...I tend to get crazy when I shop for babies. And then of course there was the quick lessons on holding her the correct way and changing the diaper, which was kind of cute and hilarious because he's huge and I think that he's scared he might break if he handles her the wrong way. It's cute though. Once he gets the hang of it, he'll be fine. BTW, Rob...get a new couch before the baby shower, k? thanks.

Anyway Harley...call me or else its another night of Ghost Hunters International and you know how I get when I watch it...thinking everything in the damn house has a ghost in it. So yeah...that is all.

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