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Hubby & Harley only [06 Sep 2009|12:44am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | sweeney todd ]

Alive Alert Awake and Enthusiastic I can't remember the rest of the words but i'm pretty sure there were words, but thats neither here nor there.....don't ask why that's been stuck in my head all day, but it has been. My mom used to say it every morning when she'd wake us up for school. I hated it then, but it's fitting for the current situation. While trying to persuade Harley to watch Sketch Artist part 1, to no avail...bitch, I'll watch it myself, but yeah as I was saying I got a call that Rob was finally awake. Too bad I wasn't there when he woke up like the good wife that I've been trying to be, but I had some stuff that I needed to take care of. Namely my new house, though, considering everything it might be a while before I actually get settled into it. Or at least until they release the hubby to my care...or something like that. Speaking of which, when I got to the hospital I saw him and we discussed some things that has been happening over the course of the time he's spent in the hospital. Pretty much the marriage. Yes, Harley, I know this is the part that you've been waiting to hear about. So you know when I went in there I was sweating bullets, right? I thought for sure I'd get yelled at for being so wreckless with my words. But since I know you didn't hear any yelling (don't act like you weren't eavesdropping, I know you, hooker!) on the other side of the door, I'm guessing you realized that everything worked out. We're going to stay "married" for as long as it pans out. He actually laughed when i told him...im sitting there scared and he laughs? Jerk. If he weren't injured and I wasn't happy that he wasn't yelling at me, I may have punched him. Maybe I will later when he's feeling a little better. But yeah, that's what happened...nothing more than that. I know you're disappointed I didn't like jump his bones or anything like that. Major fail, I know. I'll redeem myself later, I promise. Speaking of which, you were looking pretty cozy with your new co-star...care to share?

All that aside I was supposed to go spend the holiday with my folks in New York, but I managed to get out of that one so that I can play nurse to the ailing husband. Harley....get your mind out of the gutter...I know its hard--that didn't make it any better. I'm gonna go watch Sketch Artist.

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