first_of_seven_'s Journal
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Saturday, May 30th, 2020

    Time Event
    I think I've accidentally become a that a word? Birdwatcher? Whatever. I've been doing a lot of walking in an attempt to deal with some of the shit cluttering my head, and one day I noticed this little fluffy black and white and pink bird that I had never seen before. The next day I saw three of them together in the same tree I saw the first one. So, then I went home and looked it up and it's a Long-tailed Tit. Not too long after that, I saw a Kestrel hunting. Then I began to notice bird sounds in the wood, and trying to spot where they were nesting, and then I found myself looking for my omniocculars for the next time I took a walk...

    What happened? I used to be so cool.

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