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Evie Noir

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[14 Aug 2020|08:18pm]

... )

Full Moon Schedule )
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005 [16 May 2018|08:11pm]
If any students are concerned about their exams, my office is open. Come prepared with questions or requests for practice.

[ Private to Audrie & Victoire ]

I've taken this month to through my finances and such so I'm better prepared for this auction though I'm wondering if it's better to just pool our resources together, Audrie.
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004 [15 Apr 2018|12:32pm]
[ Jeanne Rousseau ]

You and I need to talk about Victoire.
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003 [09 Apr 2018|12:22pm]
[Matron Helene]

I'm thinking the Muggleborns could use some extra curricular work. Wandless defensive magic? I'm not super proficient, but I worked with a girl who went to Uagadou, and they're trained not to use wands.


Pending approval, but I'll probably do it anyway, you're all getting an extracurricular 'assignment'. I'll be teaching you defensive magic without wands. I'll get back to you on scheduling. I don't agree with these new laws, but I do agree with you being prepared for anything.


Think we're heading to a second French Revolution? I want to figure out who on staff agrees and disagrees, because those of us who want to protect these girls need to get together.
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002 [30 Mar 2018|04:01pm]
Finally this fucking month is coming to a fucking end... I've never seen so frustrated in my life.

Enjoy the long weekend, girls. I won't be available until Tuesday.

[ Victoire ]
Just two more days. Just got to get through two more days with the full moon tomorrow night. Then the blue moons are over.

[ Marlene ]
Think you can come take care of me on Sunday?
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