Bronte's Journal
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Monday, March 10th, 2008

    Time Event
    OK, so the other day I was just looking at icon places and I gound this one site that had awesome PB icons that were had lots for James' or Harry's and I really liked one of them and was planning to use it for my James. I thought I'd eiter favourited or memoried the site but after searching through all of those I can't find the site again.

    I think it was either GJ or IJ but it might've been LJ or something. The icons were tagged with things like James Potter, Harry Potter, depending which character it suited and someone had commented on one of the posts about how the maker must've been determined to find a good james/Harry PB.

    It's eally annoying me because I can't find that site anywhere so if you know what it could be, please tell me!


    (x-posted because I raelly want to find this site and PB again)

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