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[09 May 2024|01:37am]

Yall mother fuckers were tripping over Tornado warnings earlier..

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[09 May 2024|12:30am]

Little princess is doing better. Could be home by Saturday. We will come see you on your birthday though Money, we got you something nice. Lol.

Don't worry, my bread is already coming back in LOL
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[08 May 2024|10:55pm]

Thanks Chey lmao. I think my wife is ready for #10!
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[08 May 2024|10:35pm]


Sparrow 😍😍
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[08 May 2024|07:48pm]


Clove felt cute, Lol.
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[08 May 2024|04:56pm]

Soon we leave for Europe. There was a time in my life I was stoked for this. But the older I get the more I just want to stay in the US and Canada. But, I know we have fans over there that want to see us so I am not going to dash their hopes and dreams.

We just got in town, I am exhausted and ready for bed already, but I got some shit to take care of so, no time to be lazy!
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[08 May 2024|12:22am]

My fine ass wife.
Moar sex
Our bad ass new home

Shit I am living the life tonight
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[06 May 2024|07:07pm]

Lia is fine. She is resting. She had to have our little girl, she is under developed and will be in NICU for a bit, not sure how long. Probably a week or more.
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[06 May 2024|02:53pm]

Lia is in the hospital. She was spotting and came to the ER. They're doing tests and stuff. I'm not sure what all is going on.

Thank you Chey for picking BJ up.
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[06 May 2024|02:36am]

I got invoices done with Saint Owen. I love having my own company. It's so much fun and watching it grow from the ground up has been great.

I am watching Guys Grocery Games and working on the website. I'm getting the sales up and running on it, and putting the new merch (all of it, the shades, clothes, jewelry and accessories) put on as well!

Insomnia sucks!
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Text to Ava [05 May 2024|11:57pm]

So.. LB had flowers sent to Harpy. They're really pretty, please don't let Colton go nuts and throw them away. He asked her to the spring fling. I am going to be helping chaperone it. She said yes to him, it's honestly not that big of a deal. And I will be there, so you know I am not going to let anything happen. LB is like Brandon with his mouth but, he and Raven are the ones that are always beating people up for teasing Harp. He's harmless.
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[05 May 2024|07:47pm]

Chey was in a pair of Vengeance U joggers and an over sized LIBAD women's shirt. She was signing and humming a song to Emma in the rocking chair in her nursery. She loved being a mom. Clove was sitting on the floor next to her rubbing her sisters forehead. It was one of the happiest moments Chey had in the last few days. "Clove go grab a book off the bookshelf and we can read to baby sissy Emma." she smiled when her daughter brother back a book stacked full of Disney nursery rhymes. "Oh good pick!" she smiled and put Em in the swaddle so she could read the book to them both.

She could feel Joels eyes on them but she didn't say anything as she kept reading the book to her daughters. Once Emmy was passed out she handed the book to Clove who went and put it up. "Thank you baby! Give mom a minute we will read your favorite story!" she kissed Emmy's forehead and put her in her crib covering her up. She flipped on the mobile, her little night light that showed the planets on the ceiling and the baby monitor on. "Good night baby"

She kissed Joel's lips as she walked past him and headed with Clove to her room. The little girl was fast in her bed and ready for a story. Sitting down she read her favorite book to her. Once she fell asleep she kissed her forehead and pulled the blanket over her and her stuffed puppy. "Good night angel." she kissed her forehead and shut the light off and went to check on the boys.

She did all her nightly stuff then headed to their room and laid in the bed with him. "I am so happy we're home! I missed these kids so much!" she leaned over kissing him slowly and deeply.
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[05 May 2024|04:24pm]

Joel and I just got home. I don't like being away from the kids for too long, I am lame I know. Lol.

We are all unpacked, clothes are all washed and put up and now I am being lazy as fuck for the rest of the night with the kids and Joel.
The wedding was amazing, I had such a great time with friends and family. I missed home though!
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[05 May 2024|01:10pm]

I apologized so many times last I feel like doing it again and again will it be futile. So this is my huge apology to everyone but Colton, because he and his wife are shit stirring shit talkers who act like they're better than everyone, I am sorry. All I can do is be better.
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[05 May 2024|01:19am]

Hi my name is Bryan. I am off my meds and fuck up everything I touch.

PS. We're not firing Colton.
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[05 May 2024|12:33am]

I kind of just want to move out of Nashville and just do my podcast. I am kind of over it!

Gracie I am sorry I was so blunt and mean to you. You know I love you and only want the best for you.
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[04 May 2024|08:31pm]

I caught to bouquet. The wedding was beautiful. The reception was beautiful. Yes, I cried like a baby. Gina looked fucking stunning! Brandon was ight. Lol no, but honestly he looked great too! It was hands down the best wedding I have been to!

Congrats again Gina and Brandon!
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[04 May 2024|04:24pm]

The wedding was perfect. Watching Gina walk to me, was the most amazing moment. She was fuckin beautiful, the dress looked perfect. I am man enough to admit that I cried like a bitch!
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[04 May 2024|02:06am]

Chey wasn't about to let some jealous fucks cause Gina to call everything off. So when she found out that Gina was about to, she grabbed Brooke and they were able to talk her down.

She used her key card to get in the room and slipped her slippers off and slipped out of her clothes crawling into bed with Joel.

"Everything is good! She is over Bryan and shit shit so he needs to get it together or he's gonna lose his best friend!" She kissed him sweetly. "They deserve this wedding an anyone, says some shit I'll same some shit back!
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