Gwendolyn Montgomery Pucey's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Gwendolyn Montgomery Pucey

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[01 Jun 2012|02:57pm]
I, for one, am so glad I don't have to sit exams this year! It's ban enough to have to return to a partially demolished building, in the fall, but to have to come back over the summer, for AGES, sounds like awful.

It's just such a shame you lot have to disappear into seclusion, on a Friday, no less! They could have at least let you have another weekend of fun before study, study, study.

[Private: Friends/Slytherins]
Though, that does give us time to plan a proper party. Not the weak ones like we had after we got back, but something proper; really fun!

I know you were saying something about a get together, Trace, but what about a real party?

[Private: Jakie]

Babes, I want to go shopping this weekend, but I need your lovely face there with me. Noon at the Leaky? Might even let you into the changing rooms with me!
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