Like most people, Claire is complicated. Most people know the servant of a demon, the killer. Dispassionate within her nightly activities, she appears very cold on the surface. And she certainly gives off an air of being ‘above it all.’ She holds the power of life and death in her very hands and she knows it. And despite her regality, she doesn’t seem to hold this over anyone’s head unless she needs to remind someone of just what their positions are. She rarely feels actually threatened nor is she particularly prone to showing off. In fact, one might even describe her as ‘reserved.’With those she trusts or cares about, she is soft, maybe even gentle. She is a romantic though disastrously free with her sexual attraction. It takes some effort to earn her trust, to win a place in her close circle. She fears having to hurt those close to her or them becoming disgusted with her even though it isn’t something she can help. And there is a fear of loss, of those she cares about dying around her. She builds up so many walls to desperately hide the kinder woman inside of her to keep that piece of her alive. If given the option, she would give up her demonic abilities but one doesn’t break a contract with The One She Serves.
With a kill count in literally the thousands by now, she is somewhat addicted to her nightly ventures. It isn’t something she genuinely takes pleasure in but if she misses long periods of time, she starts to get antsy and a little fearful that she’s lost her usefulness which might then result in her death. Not having that anymore, being in a different world, will cause a sense of withdrawal and a loss of purpose. What good is she if she isn't reaping souls for The One She Serves?
Demonic PhysiqueClaire is an altered soul, granted immortality and youth by a demonic entity. She is physically immune to ordinary weapons (Ex: Bulletproof) and has superhuman physical strength (5 tons). She can fly under her own power/without assistance and has some minor shapeshifting abilities - changing her facial features to go unrecognized, growing claws. None of this means she’s totally unkillable. There’s always someone out there stronger than her, faster, weapons that would shock the Hell out of her (especially if they're blessed/holy). Also, she is more of a nocturnal creature as sunlight causes her to have terrible headaches. Her abilities are weaker in the daylight as well.Fire Generation
She can cause fire to appear outward from the place where she stands. She has absolutely no control over it other than setting the fire. She’s not a pyrokinetic. Claire just sort of ‘spontaneously combusts’. Once it’s there, whatever happens, happens. When she uses her abilities, the eyes of her master appear behind her in deep red flames though she’s never actually seen this herself.Essential Vampirism / Death Touch
Although she can eat and drink like a normal person, taking in the life force of her targets is what really sustains her. She does not realize this. It is applied in the form of a single, killing touch which got bloodier throughout the war. At first, it was a single, quiet touch, leaving an unusual mark behind. During WWII, she developed her black claws and began tearing people apart, leaving a gory mess behind as she took in souls and life force. It’s become a slight addiction.Philosophical Awareness
Otherwise known as soul reading on her end. She just knows where a person stands on the spectrum of good and evil, orderly or chaotic, and everywhere inbetween. It’s how she knows if the one she serves is honoring their bargain. Claire does not kill good people. It takes a particular kind of tarnish to bring out the dark side in her. Even if there’s a kernel of possible redemption, she’ll find herself pausing, having a weakness of the heart that she’ll deny ever exists.Healing
Claire does have the ability to heal injuries and even regenerate the limbs of others. It takes a particular state of the soul, however. Returning a leg to a child is easy because a child is generally untainted and innocent. Helping someone who is grown and has sinned is much harder and oftentimes impossible.Dimensional Aperture
Go to Hell. No, seriously. Go to Hell. She can travel between “Hades” (just a polite term for Hell) and the mortal world with a thought. She can’t take anyone with her but she can just appear wherever she needs to.She no longer has this ability now that she's in a different reality.