Bakrahan's Journal
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Thursday, January 6th, 2022

    Time Event

    NAME: Bakrahan, of Clan Kihm'bar
    AGE: 27
    SPECIES: Noghri
    OCCUPATION: Protector of Leia Organa
    SEXUALITY: Straight
    POWERS: Above-average strength, agility, and combat skills; superhuman sense of smell.

    A member of Clan Kihm'bar, which were personally involved with The New Republic following The Thrawn Conflict, Bakrahan (like other Noghri) took very seriously the debt his people had transferred from Darth Vader to his daughter, Leia Organa Solo.

    When the Reality Gem snatched him from his reality and dropped him onto Galador, Bakrahan felt lost, with no purpose to his existence... until he realized that a very different version of Leia was also there. A teen raised in a far different manner to the version he knew, Bakrahan pledged his life to protecting the child, and became her constant companion.

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