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[30 Aug 2004|12:02am]
to the girl who knows who she is:
I always want to call you, I just never feel like I have anything to say.
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Time to start anew [30 Aug 2004|10:31pm]
I can't believe uJ is gone.
Actually, I can. I'm just totally pissed about losing it all.
One of the things I wrote in there not too long ago just popped into my head last night: It's time to wake up and live.
I was reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower at the time. I finshed it last night.

This is likely to be mostly friends-only. If I know you from LJ or uJ and have friended you before, comment to be added. If I don't yet know you, comment and if you seem interesting, I'll add you.
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