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[28 Oct 2004|01:23am]
i can't sleep in that restless way that hasn't hit me in a while. I want to be comfortably curled up asleep, or if not that, at least comfortably curled up reading short stories that pull me in hard, but i can't seem to curl up comfortably (i can't seem to be still for five minutes) and none of the large numbers of things that i want to read soon are jumping off the shelves into my hands. i'm left pondering the inside of my head and the wide internet world and wondering if there is something i can do to settle down for just long enough to sleep and still be able to wake up.
maybe, just maybe, if i focus...

(maybe, just maybe, if i steal a few lines from an amazing girl's journal... because it so perfectly frames something i know i've thought and felt at so many times and could never really put into words.)
There is this girl. Shit, she is like pure flame, everything I want to be. And everyone can tell, everyone feels it when she's around. But her pants ride low and you can see the two finger tip sized bruises on her hip. And she tells these sad little stories about stealing valium from her father. And I guess that is the price for being on fire all the time. The rest of us should maybe just be happy being moths.
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[28 Oct 2004|01:28am]
speaking of being on fire, some quotes:

in order to burn out, you must have been on fire.
those who aren't fired with enthusiasm will be fired with enthusiasm.
you can't learn to fly like an eagle if you've been taught by turkeys.
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[ viewing | October 28th, 2004 ]
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