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[23 Jan 2005|12:28am]
i absolutely fucking hate migrains.
i'm going to go lie down or something and hope that the nausea goes away and that i don't end up vomitting.
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[23 Jan 2005|08:00pm]

Trading Cards
Permanent Account Edition
User Number: 11148
Date Created:2004-08-10
Number of Posts: 97 (this is 98)

MathTeacher, surprisingly, teaches math. He teaches at a school in the suburbs, a good ways west of Chicago, while living very close to the lake front (the eastern edge of Chicago). This situation would be miserable if he didn't like driving and have a car he loves. On those rare days when he has free time, he spends it reading books, watching movies and TV, and talking to friends.
Strengths: Math, technology, broad general knowledge, intelligence.
Weaknesses: Intolerance for blatant self-satisfied stupidity and resulting misanthropy, isolationist tendancies, occasional extreme arrogance, inability to resist good semi-sweet chocolate.
Special Skills: Math, teaching, assorted computer and networking skills, mechanical aptitude, warming his hands through focused thought.
Weapons: Sharp sarcasm, didactics, empathy, escapism, fast driving.
Driving Pleasures: Lake Shore Drive (IL), Dan Ryan Expressway (IL), Congress Parkway (IL), Pacific Coast Highway (CA), Taconic State Parkway (NY), Palisades Interstate Parkway (NY), Las Vegas Boulevard (NV)

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