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[08 May 2007|02:24pm]
Comment and I will give you 3 interests on your interests list and 3 icons for you to explain.

NICKED FROM [info]nervoustic


mobius transformations
Mobius Transformations are a particular type of function on the set of complex numbers that have certain nice properties (see the entry on MathWorld).  Plus, the name is cool.

The class of pharmaceuticals that relieve anxiety.  Examples include Valium and Ativan.  Very useful.

The thing that causes me to use the previous interest.

they're all sort of along the same lines...

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Clive Owen in Sin City.  Protective and exceedingly skillful.  And dark and mysterious.

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Val Kilmer in Spartan.  I'd tell you about the role in more detail, but you'd do better to see the film.  It might be my favorite Mamet film.

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Michael Madsen in Reservoir Dogs.  Really, is there anything cooler than Mr. Blonde?  It's the combination of hard-core evil with the cup and straw, the loosened tie, and the black & white.  Plus, Michael Madsen is awesome as a bad guy.
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